I have a question. It involves “Engagement Photos”.

Here in Utah, it’s customary to send a photo with your wedding invitation. Is that a Utah thing or an everywhere thing? Also, said photos are typically referred to as “Engagement Photos”. But I was thinking about it, and we got engaged way back before Thanksgiving. So these are really more “We’ve been engaged for a while but haven’t gotten around to taking cute pictures yet, but we needed to take some soon so we can send them with our invitations, which may or may not be a weird Utah custom” photos.

Whatever they are called, I like them. I really really do.

Especially since most of our couply photos are taken by one of us with our arm extended. These are better.

My enormously talented friend Ingrid took them. I applaud her immensely for making two awkward people look this good. (Damn we look good!) Poor girl had to shoot a LOT of photos to get these cute ones, but I’m so glad she did. If it were me I may have thrown in the towel after about 40 of these:

But she soldiered on, and managed to get some of these too:

Ings, I’m pretty sure you don’t read my blog that much. But if you read this, this is my public proclamation of gratitude to you for spending over half of your day with us. We had a rockin’ good time, minus the guy rear-ending Stan in the parking lot and waiting around for the cop to show up. Thanks for waiting around with us. And thanks for the photos. Thank you thank you thank you.

And to the incredibly talented Candice, thank you so much for helping me to not look like an eight-grader and doing my hair and makeup!

If you’d like to see more, here’s the link to the album on the good ol’ Spacebook:

You can even be my friend if you want. Then you can see more of what a weirdo I am.


But also, will you guys please chime in about the photos? Did you/will you/would you include a photo with your wedding invitation or is that just weird?