…for a bright blue breezy beachy table.


The day after I arranged the chairs and made this table display, snow decided to come whirling down to my neighborhood. But it’s okay, because  I’d created this little happy place just inside the window where I could watch the snow. I wasn’t fighting the snow; on the contrary, I love snow (barring when I have to scrape it off my car windows). Somehow, it makes me feel safe, even in the car. I know that doesn’t make sense at all, but it kind of reminds me of going on car rides with my dad in the dead of a Colorado winter. It was so fun to look out at the treacherous conditions with the heat blasting, and have total trust in my dad’s driving (whether he deserved it or not). Then with no other cars in sight, he would suddenly swerve and send us spinning into donuts, causing me to gasp and laugh and be scared. He thought it was really funny. (Except he didn’t laugh that time we hit a curb and popped the tire off the wheel of the company truck.) Anyway, so it’s not like I’m fighting winter, I’m just saying “Okay snow, you go ahead and fall out there, and I’ll watch you and even come play with you, but for now I’m also going to sit under my nice new roof and enjoy my nice new furnace and my cushiony chairs at my newly decorated table. Here’s a closer look- most of the stuff is from the DI or I already had it.


Before the bright blue, the chairs were just unfinished wood.


And before that, they were just little Oklahomas.
