1. Remodel a house

2. Bike a century

3. Grow a food garden– a better one

4. Grow an herb garden

5. Watch someone enter the world

6. Go to Israel

7. Publish something and get paid for it

8. Have a family

9. Run a marathon looking hot (tee hee)

10. Read the entire Bible

11. Do a triathlon

12. Get married

13. Have some babies or adopt some

14. Train a guide dog

15. Cook a meal for ten people

16. Own chickens and eat their eggs

17. Learn Flight of the Bumblebee

18. Change the oil in my car

19. Become fluent in Spanish

20. Crochet a shawl

21. Sew something awesome

22. Cut my hair really short

23. Hike at least part of the Appalachian Trail

24. Ski an entire day each at Alta, Brighton, Snowbird, Deer Valley, The Canyons, and Solitude

25. Try boxing

26. Go sailing with my dad again

27. Visit Alaska

28. Visit India

29. Organize a book club

30. Teach a class again

31. Drive a semi

32. Run a half marathon

33. Take my nieces on an awesome “girls only” trip when they’re older

34. Road trip on motorcycles with my dad

35. Turn my basement into an apartment

36. Keep my car spotless for an entire month

37. Keep my house spotless for an entire month

38. Volunteer consistently for 2-4 hours a week

39. Take the GRE

40. Pass Biochem

41. Raft the Grand Canyon

42. Hike the Inca Trail

43. Go an entire year without buying a single new article of clothing (not this year)

44. Live in another country for >6 months

45. Go on a cool trip with Lauren when we’re 50

46. Go on a cool trip with Carrie, Kristin, Candice, and Wendy when we’re 51

47. Help someone move when I really don’t want to

48. Go on a mini motorcycle trip with my dad and brothers

49. Climb a mountain with my sister

50. Sing in a choir again

51. Play music/sing a show at a venue (probably with Pablo and/or Allison)

52. Set up my piano

53. Own a house that’s big enough for my parents’ piano (please don’t give it away yet!) but not too big

54. Run or bike a race with Chelsey

55. Own a Kitchenaid mixer

56. Ride my bike to work at least 50% of the time when the weather is decent

57. Keep some ferns alive

58. Ride a Greyhound bus to Portland

59. Go on a trip all by myself

60. Give a percentage of all my earnings to charity

61. Invest in microfinance

62. Buy some stocks and make some money on them

63. Hike Mount Olympus

64. Go backpacking (different from hiking)

65. Do a 10k with my mom

66. Do 20 pushups per day

67. Do 100 crunches per day

68. Go skydiving

69. Weigh 117 pounds

70. Own a gun and be confident in the use and maintenance of it

71. Record an album (even if my dad is the only one who listens to it)

72. Eat rattlesnake

73. Be a better vegetarian

74. Give a $1000 scholarship to a local student for accomplishing something weird, like who can catch the biggest fish (stole that from my dad)

75. Use my mom’s bread recipe to feed my family

76. Pet a lion

77. Dance the Tango in Argentina

78. Pray in a European cathedral

79. Visit a glass-blowing place

80. Enter something in the fair again

81. See Stonehenge

82. Rappel down a waterfall

83. Pay $3 for a room

84. Dress up for a geeky movie premiere

85. Make enough money so that my house payment is not more than 25% of my income

To be continued.

16 Responses to “My to-do list”

  1. Sis Says:

    Which mountain do you want to climb? Also, send me some pics of your dream rooms and let me look for stuff for you; we can bring it out this summer if I find anything. Love ya,

  2. Carrie Says:

    I am glad you included a few things you’ve already done. A few of the things you claim you haven’t done yet are debatable. For example, you sewed an awesome blanket for me, remember? I’m really thinking of doing the no new clothes thing for 2010…we should do it together…I think I’d stick to it better that way. And I love that eating a rattlesnake is right above being a better vegetarian!

    1. hiphousegirl Says:

      Ha! I ate rattlesnake in high school, when I thought vegetarians were a bunch of weirdos. But it’s kinda cool, so yeah, I don’t regret it.

  3. Babs Says:

    What an inspiring list! I did one of these about a year ago and got so excited about it but then stashed it away and now don’t even remember most of the things on there. Looks like it’s time to pull it back out!

  4. Schmandice Says:

    46. Go on a cool trip with Carrie, Kristin, and Wendy when we’re 51… WHAT ABOUT ME? 😦

    1. Schmandice Says:

      Adam says that your psychic must have told you i would die at the age of 48 and that is why i am not on this list… still sad!

    2. hiphousegirl Says:

      Schmand, if you are not partying with Paul Mitchell The Friends then I would love nothing more than to make it the five of us! And no, you are not going to die at 48.

      1. Schmandice Says:

        i don’t spend that much time with Paul Mitchell the Friends! however i fully expect to still be working there when i am 51!!

  5. kate Says:

    oooh I am stealing raft the grand canyon! someone was telling me about this just recently! πŸ™‚ great list!

  6. Very cool list. I have a similar list that I’m working on, it’s great to mark things off isn’t it? πŸ™‚

  7. JO Says:

    MO! I would listen to your cd if you were to record one. After all, you were my musical inspiration for learning to play guitar in 8th grade. πŸ˜‰ And where is ‘road trip to Colorado to visit Jo’ on the list? Silly me, I must have passed it by accident. hehe. Love you, girl and I hope you get to do all the things on your list sooner or later! xoxo

  8. Stan Says:

    I think “Keep some ferns alive” has to be longer than a week πŸ™‚

  9. Jess Says:

    You can cross off get married !

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